About Changes Addiction Rehab
Hands On Clinical Team
100+ years cumulative experience
Psychiatric Care
More than 50% of alcoholics and addicts have at least one underlying mental health condition
Family Support
Addiction affects the entire family, not just the individual
Professional Care
Our Treatment Approach
For more information on our treatment options get in touch
Changing Lives
Changes Addiction Rehab Johannesburg proudly delivers the best residential, short- and long-term inpatient rehab, outpatient and halfway house drug and alcohol addiction treatment programmes in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Since 2007, through our various treatment options, Changes Rehab has been saving lives, restoring dignity, and healing families.
We have continued to shape innovative and effective quality care in the addiction treatment field in South Africa.
We offer comprehensive treatment programmes that address the alcoholic or addict’s disease using a holistic therapeutic and medical approach. By addressing the five key elements needed to change and shape a client’s life we play an integral part in helping them create and live fulfilling lives. These five elements are the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual impacts of addiction and recovery.
Our approach is a personalised, dignified, hands-on treatment developed by addiction specialists and experts with a cumulative experience of over 100 years.
Years Established
cumulative experience
Professional Care at Changes Rehab
Medical Doctor
Specialised Addiction Psychiatrist
4 Psychologists
8 Addiction Counsellors
9 Nurses
2 Registered Counsellors
Social Worker
Occupational Therapist
3 Recovery Assistants
2 Halfway House Managers
Our Treatment Approach
Addiction is a complex and multi-faceted problem. We know more about the neurobiology of addiction than ever before. PET scans showed changes in the brains of addicted people as far back as 20 years ago. The brain’s reward, motivation, and memory pathways are affected by addiction, and alcohol or drug abuse progresses to obsessive and compulsive use despite all the negative consequences. Our evidence-based therapeutic approach includes a wide variety of gold-standard strategies to assist our clients in addressing every aspect of their addiction.
Our programmes include:


Individual Therapy

Psychology (CBT, MET, BWRT)

Trauma Counselling

Family Programme

Group Therapy

Addiction and Recovery Lecture Series

Occupational Therapy

Introduction to 12 Step Programmes

Therapeutic Routines and Responsibilities

Mediated Sessions with Clients and their Loved Ones

Creative Therapy (art, music and drama therapy)

Yoga and Exercise

Animal Therapy (at our secondary care facility)
We believe that addictive behaviours can begin as a coping strategy to life’s challenges and inner emotional turmoil. But addiction slowly takes over and begins to cause problems and make life even more unmanageable. We equip clients with healthy coping strategies so that individuals have the tools to face and overcome challenges and stress without falling back into addiction.
At Changes we also view addiction and alcoholism as a disease and not as a moral failing. We recognise that addiction has caused pain and destruction to the lives of our clients and their loved ones. Our programmes are not designed to punish and shame clients, but rather to help them understand the root of their addiction and deal with its consequences.
Our multidisciplinary team of professionals guide clients to change their behaviours and create a new life in which they are able to deal with overwhelming emotions in healthy ways. Through our holistic approach, both patients and families are able to heal from the devastation and agony caused by active addiction.
We emphasise a spirit of connectedness to break habits of loneliness and isolation. Our clients often arrive at our doors hurt, broken, desperate and angry. Our dedicated team or experts help clients rediscover hope for their futures and, sometimes for the first time, discover who they are – without drugs or alcohol. At Changes we empower our patients with the tools to find sustained recovery.
Client Testimonials
“I just wanted to say thank you for the Changes Family for everything you did so far to assist with my son. In the beginning I felt like a terrible mom, but it is definitely worth it. I also knew that he was safe and I could finally breathe. He’s got a positive attitude and I just want to say thanks to everyone who cared and gave him a chance..”
“I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Changes and the entire team, from Sheryl all the way to Howard the cook and David the guard. Changes was where I received the love, respect, and safety to begin my recovery journey. It works if you work it.”