Outpatient Treatment Programme



Hands On Clinical Team

100+ years cumulative experience

Psychiatric Care

More than 50% of alcoholics and addicts have at least one underlying mental health condition

Family Support

Addiction affects the entire family, not just the individual

Outpatient Care

Comprehensive Treatment


For more information on our treatment options get in touch

Rationale For Outpatient Treatment

At Changes Rehab, we believe that, where applicable, clients should be encouraged to take responsibility for their recovery whilst coping within their society, which is why offering an effective outpatient treatment programme is so important to us. An assessment is performed to ascertain the client’s needs and which option best suits their profile and specific needs.

Ideally, if a client is not physically addicted, has a semblance of functionality, has an ability to hold down gainful employment or attend to their studies, has a strong support structure, doesn’t have a string of harmful consequences due to their chemical abuse and cannot leave their lives to attend treatment, then outpatient treatment may suit their needs.

Many South Africans binge drink or use drugs and can go a while without chemicals yet feel tremendous shame and guilt when they do use or drink. Many people also do not understand what is ‘wrong’ with them and do not know how to stop this vicious cycle.

Inpatient or outpatient treatment could be the solution! In saying so, we highly value client-treatment match and our team is driven primarily by the client’s best interests. Hence, if during the assessment or early outpatient treatment a client needs more containment and/or alternative treatment, admission into the inpatient programme might be advisable.

Years Established

cumulative experience

Comprehensive Treatment

We believe that a comprehensive treatment programme can transform your life and give you an opportunity to heal. We recognise that after your body normalises, the upliftment to your psyche, spirit, mind and body can be profound.  If you do not effectively treat your chemical dependency disorder and other process addictions, you will likely return to your unmanageable and disorganised behaviour and way of life.

Choosing to do an outpatient programme versus an inpatient programme depends upon where you are in your addiction cycle. An assessment is necessary to evaluate your appropriateness for outpatient treatment. An outpatient programme is not meant to replace inpatient treatment and the two are vastly different. Specific criteria need to be met in order to be a candidate for outpatient treatment.

We treat addictions to alcohol and other drugs, eating disorders and process addictions namely gambling, love or sex.

The outpatient programme option allows clients the space to heal and recover whilst they live at home, attend work, university or school. Please note that medical aid does not pay for outpatient treatment and full payment is required before admission. There is an option to claim for individual therapy from your medical aid, but it will come out of, and be dependent on, the savings portion of your scheme. The programme runs for three months and can be extended if needed. Please discuss this with your team.

It’s important to clarify mutual responsibilities for the outpatient therapeutic process. Once you enrol in our programme, the therapeutic staff, other group members and yourself are making a commitment of time and energy to each other. It is, therefore, crucial for you to know what you are agreeing to and what you can expect. Please read this contract carefully and sign it before we all begin working together.

On commencing treatment clients must test negative for drugs and alcohol, failing which we would suggest a period of inpatient rehab or detox. As substance use disorder or alcohol use disorder (SUD/AUD) impacts all areas of life and changes addicted peoples’ roles and functioning (family, work, health etc.) our treatment has to meet patients’ physical, emotional, spiritual, legal, mental, familial and vocational needs.

We do this through using lectures, individual counselling, group therapy, family conjoints, our family programme, alcohol and drug testing as well as our multidisciplinary team of psychologists, psychiatrists, GP, addiction counsellors, social worker, occupational therapist and referral to other professionals where required. There is reading and written work and this focused attention is a useful tool is rewiring the addicted brain from hijacked to ‘normal’. This work includes writing and presenting your ‘life story’, 12-step peer recovery meetings, meeting a different group member for coffee each week and phoning every group member for the first three days of your programme. We supply all materials and handouts. We also offer ongoing aftercare and counselling options.

We know that people may miss the occasional group due to family or work commitments. But, if this becomes a regular issue, it will need to be addressed. Missed groups will be added on, so that you get the full benefit of the programme.

Addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease. Not everyone slots into abstinence immediately. No-one slots into a perfect recovery instantly. A relapse means that there is something that you are doing that you’ll need to learn to stop doing, or something you’re not doing that you’ll need to learn to start doing. We can help with a relapse “autopsy” and help you move forward. If a relapse continues the patient will have to join the inpatient programme.

Client Testimonials

“Compassionate. Understanding. Respectful. Motivational.
Professional medical and counseling care. Complete education about addiction and the solution. Best family support system.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for the Changes Family for everything you did so far to assist with my son. In the beginning I felt like a terrible mom, but it is definitely worth it. I also knew that he was safe and I could finally breathe. He’s got a positive attitude and I just want to say thanks to everyone who cared and gave him a chance..”


“I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Changes and the entire team, from Sheryl all the way to Howard the cook and David the guard. Changes was where I received the love, respect, and safety to begin my recovery journey. It works if you work it.”
