We provide our clients with a comprehensive education about the nature of the disease of addiction and its negative consequences. Our treatment strategy includes a multi-disciplinary approach based on abstinence, positive affirmation, intensive counselling and adherence to a structured 12-step recovery programme. The client may be admitted to our facility willingly or be ordered to undergo treatment through the court system.

Our Services Include:

Inpatient programme (21 – 42 days)

Inpatient long-term treatment

Outpatient treatment programme



Individual counselling

Halfway house accommodation


Family support groups

Family conjoints

Co-dependency counselling

Couples therapy

Group therapy

12-step support groups

Educational workshops

Creative therapy

Employee assistance programmes (training and education)

A six-week treatment programme for families and loved ones

Onsite drug testing

We believe that addictive behaviours can begin as a coping strategy to life’s challenges and inner emotional turmoil. But addiction slowly takes over and begins to cause problems and make life even more unmanageable. We equip clients with healthy coping strategies so that individuals have the tools to face and overcome challenges and stress without falling back into addiction.

At Changes we also view addiction and alcoholism as a disease and not as a moral failing. We recognise that addiction has caused pain and destruction to the lives of our clients and their loved ones. Our programmes are not designed to punish and shame clients, but rather to help them understand the root of their addiction and deal with its consequences.

Our multidisciplinary team of professionals guide clients to change their behaviours and create a new life in which they are able to deal with overwhelming emotions in healthy ways. Through our holistic approach, both patients and families are able to heal from the devastation and agony caused by active addiction.

We emphasise a spirit of connectedness to break habits of loneliness and isolation. Our clients often arrive at our doors hurt, broken, desperate and angry. Our dedicated team or experts help clients rediscover hope for their futures and, sometimes for the first time, discover who they are – without drugs or alcohol. At Changes we empower our patients with the tools to find sustained recovery.

Welcome to Changes, a place where you can heal and change. We know that recovery isn’t a one-size-fits-all process; it takes a mix of different strategies and care that’s tailored to the person. We offer a full set of services that were made with your journey in mind to meet your unique needs and situations.

We have both short-term (21–42 days) and long-term (more than 42 days) inpatient rehab programmes. These are full-immersion treatment programmes that give you a structured place to work on your recovery. We have made a flexible outpatient programme for people who want to keep doing their normal things while getting treatment. This makes it easy for you to fit your treatment into your everyday life.

The process starts with a thorough yet mindful evaluation by our team. This helps us understand your unique needs and gives us a starting point for making a treatment plan that is just for you. If necessary, our experts can also help you and your loved ones break through the wall of denial and accept help through interventions.

When you join us, you’ll be able to go to counselling sessions on your own. These one-on-one talks with trained counsellors give you the platform to talk through your worries, feelings, and recovery goals. We also offer specialised group therapy, where you can meet other people who are going through similar things and learn from each other.

We help families too because we know how important they are to the recovery process. Your loved ones can get understanding, direction, and hope from our family support groups and joint family sessions. We also have a six-week treatment programme that is designed to help your family and friends understand, deal with, and support your journey to recovery.

Through codependency counselling and couples therapy, we also look at how addiction affects the way people interact with each other. These services are meant to help people talk to each other better and get along again.

We use the 12-step model for recovery. This gives you a structured, step-by-step way to get better. Our educational workshops teach you about addiction, its effects, and ways to deal with them. Our creative therapy sessions give you new ways to express yourself and get ultimately better.

We help you get back to normal life after rehab by providing housing in a halfway house and a full range of aftercare services. And for everyone’s safety, we do drug tests on site on a regular basis.

Through our Employee Assistance Programmes, we also reach out to people at work. In these programmes, employees and employers are trained and taught about addiction, and supportive environments are made for people who are dealing with addiction.

Every service, therapy, and interaction at Changes Rehab in Johannesburg is made with your recovery in mind. We believe you can change, grow, and take back control of your life, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.