8 Questions: Are you Enabling a Loved One’s Addiction?

Trying to help an addicted or alcoholic family member can sometimes backfire. Enabling a loved one’s addiction is very different to empowering recovery. Enabling behaviours ultimately end up alleviating the addict or alcoholic from experiencing the discomfort of...

Alcohol Rehab with Medical Aid Johannesburg in 2025

What is Comprehensive Alcohol Rehabilitation? The process whereby: Professionally accredited and experienced staff at an AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) clinic use evidence-based therapies to help people overcome alcohol addiction. Treatment involves a combination of...

Alcohol Rehab Treatment Process

The alcohol rehab treatment process combines medical and psychotherapeutic treatments to address AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder). It’s a treatment program that utilises a variety of MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team) approaches to managing alcoholism and overcoming addiction....
Breaking the Silence: Addiction in the Deaf Community

Breaking the Silence: Addiction in the Deaf Community

While grappling with the many faces of addiction, it’s crucial not to overlook marginalized communities, including the Deaf and hard-of-hearing. You may not be aware that this community faces unique barriers in both the recognition of substance abuse and access...
The Evolution Of Addiction Treatment

The Evolution Of Addiction Treatment

You should know that addiction treatment has advanced significantly in the last few decades as you struggle with your problem. The way we approach this difficult problem has changed dramatically because of developments in neuroscience, technology, and psychotherapy....