Sep 20, 2022 | getting help for a loved one with alcoholism
Addiction is a family disease, everyone plays a role and is affected by the addiction, whether you’re a parent, child, spouse, sibling or even a close friend. Families often go through overwhelming emotions related to their loved one’s addiction including guilt,... 
Sep 20, 2022 | getting help for a loved one with alcoholism, Alcohol Addiction
Despite many signs indicating an alcohol addiction in a friend or relative, many families wait until the consequences are extremely severe before they take action. If you are asking the question Does my loved one have a drinking problem, there are probably already... 
Sep 19, 2022 | getting help for a loved one with alcoholism, Interventions
An addiction intervention is a tightrope walk and getting the correct balance is essential which is why it should be run by an experienced professional, preferably a qualified interventionist. Informal addiction interventions can do more harm than good and damage... 
Aug 29, 2022 | getting help for a loved one with alcoholism
Loved ones of addicts and alcoholics must regularly attend addiction family support groups. It is not only the addict or alcoholic who benefits from attending support groups. To understand the disease of addiction and to learn what constitutes enabling, close friends... 
Aug 12, 2022 | Interventions, Codependency, getting help for a loved one with alcoholism, Treatment
Stepping in to help a loved one with a problem as serious as addiction can be daunting and downright terrifying, which is why it’s absolutely essential to understand the do’s and don’ts of a successful intervention. If things at home or work have become... 
May 19, 2022 | Rehab Works, getting help for a loved one with alcoholism
Many people think that drug and alcohol rehabilitative treatment will only work if a client is willing and enthusiastic about going to rehab and getting sober and this begs the question, does involuntary rehab work? But evidence shows that low motivation, or just not...