Jan 16, 2024 | Addiction Treatment, 12 Step Rehab, Drug Addiction Treatment, getting help for a loved one with alcoholism, Help for me
Key Takeaways Aspect Key Points Holistic Treatment Addresses the whole person, not just addiction recovery. 24 Hour Supervision Continuous medical and psychiatric support. Psychiatry & Psychology Dual diagnosis and psychotherapy for mental health issues.... Dec 11, 2023 | Medical Aid, 12 Step Rehab, Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction, Drug Detox, getting help for a loved one with alcoholism
Understanding addiction isn’t easy, especially when you’re the family of an addict. The more you learn, the more you’ll be able to adopt the right stance towards your loved one. Here is some info to get you started. Why Support For Families Of... 
Nov 6, 2023 | Rehab Works, 12 Step Rehab, Addiction Treatment
Substance Use Disorders Are a range of mental health conditions that can develop when people use drugs or alcohol in excess. They can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Include compulsive and obsessive behaviour, withdrawal symptoms, and... 
Aug 4, 2023 | 12 Step Rehab, Drug Addiction, Treatment
A journalist recently asked me some questions about addiction, its costs and what constitutes quality care. Below is the Q&A. Can you talk about quality addiction treatment costs in South Africa, what medical aid pays and the issue of co-payments? Can you explain... 
Jul 20, 2023 | 12 Step Rehab, Alcohol Detox, Rehab Works
Understanding 12-Step Treatment The 12-Step Treatment approach is most commonly associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a fellowship founded in 1935 by two alcoholics who helped each other stay sober. The principles of 12-Step Treatment involve acknowledging...