The addiction and brain disease definition

The addiction and brain disease definition

Official definitions of addiction describe it as a brain disease and, importantly, not a choice. It may come as relief to many people who are stuck in the terrifying cycle of addiction that they have a medical condition and are not necessarily weak or bad people. But...
What is Crystal Meth?

What is Crystal Meth?

If you have been asking the question, what is crystal meth? we answer that question in this post, and include information on how it’s used, how it’s experienced by the user, the long- and short-term side effects, and conclude with the street names. “When...
Heroin addiction

Heroin addiction

Heroin addiction, an overview Heroin is an illicit and powerful drug that comes from the pod of the opium poppy which is grown and harvested in parts of Asia, India, the Middle East, parts of South America, Afghanistan, Columbia, and Mexico, and more often than not...