May 25, 2022 | Drug Addiction, Help for me
What are myths about addiction and sobriety? Can they stop people from getting into recovery? For rehab to be effective, these myths need to be challenged by the truth. This is why it is important to have people on the staff of a treatment centre who are in recovery... 
May 20, 2022 | Drug Addiction, Help for me
A relapse after treatment can feel like the end of the world or a hopeless situation. But it is not. The reality is that many people require multiple treatment attempts before they find long-term recovery. Relapse is often part of the learning process. It is your... 
Apr 26, 2022 | Drug Addiction, Help for me
The Top 5 Relapse Triggers Understanding what causes a relapse is essential in maintaining your sobriety because getting clean and sober is the best decision an addict or alcoholic can make. But the unfortunate truth is that relapse is common. Research shows that 40 –... 
Apr 13, 2022 | Do I have a problem?, Help for me
I can’t be an addict, I’m functional! What is the definition of addiction or alcoholism? Addiction (including alcoholism) is a complex mental disorder, and it is defined in several ways. The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction as a “treatable,...