Alcohol Addiction Rehab Centers

Define: AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) Diagnosed and treated as a chronic and progressive illness, so your medical aid will cover treatment. It involves compulsive alcohol consumption despite negative consequences. Impairs various aspects of life, such as physical health,...

The Primary Addiction Treatment Process

What it is: Series of evidence-based interventions that individuals with substance use disorders undergo. Encompasses various therapeutic techniques, medical care, and support services. Involves a combination of behavioural therapies, support groups, life skills...

Halfway House Johannesburg

Key Takeaways Halfway House Johannesburg is a drug and alcohol-free environment that is the final phase of treatment for addicts and alcoholics. Halfway houses help people re-integrate back into work, family and society as a part of their drug or alcohol aftercare...

8 Questions: Are you Enabling a Loved One’s Addiction?

Trying to help an addicted or alcoholic family member can sometimes backfire. Enabling a loved one’s addiction is very different to empowering recovery. Enabling behaviours ultimately end up alleviating the addict or alcoholic from experiencing the discomfort of...

Alcohol Rehab with Medical Aid Johannesburg in 2025

What is Comprehensive Alcohol Rehabilitation? The process whereby: Professionally accredited and experienced staff at an AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) clinic use evidence-based therapies to help people overcome alcohol addiction. Treatment involves a combination of...

Alcohol Rehab Treatment Process

The alcohol rehab treatment process combines medical and psychotherapeutic treatments to address AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder). It’s a treatment program that utilises a variety of MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team) approaches to managing alcoholism and overcoming addiction....