Benefits of substance abuse rehabilitation

Benefits of substance abuse rehabilitation

Anyone who has tried to quit an addiction on their own knows how difficult and daunting the process can be without support, that’s why it’s important to understand the benefits of substance abuse rehabilitation. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities...
Do I really need treatment?

Do I really need treatment?

If you are wondering whether your recreational use of alcohol or other drugs has begun to cross the line from fun to problematic, and you’re asking yourself the question, “do I really need treatment”, then read on to discover if you have an addiction...
What is Crystal Meth?

What is Crystal Meth?

Here’s information on crystal meth (tik, speed): how it’s used, how it’s experienced by the user, the long- and short-term side effects, concluding with more street names. “When you can stop, you don’t want to. And when you want to stop, you...
Heroin addiction

Heroin addiction

Heroin addiction, an overview Heroin is an illicit and powerful drug that comes from the pod of the opium poppy which is grown and harvested in parts of Asia, India, the Middle East, parts of South America, Afghanistan, Columbia, and Mexico, and more often than not...
Diseases related to alcohol abuse

Diseases related to alcohol abuse

Get to know the diseases related to alcohol abuse The amount of alcohol consumed, genetic considerations, body mass and overall health may impact how a person responds to chronic heavy drinking, in saying this, it’s important to understand the potential side...
Addiction FAQs – 17 frequently asked questions and answers

Addiction FAQs – 17 frequently asked questions and answers

When it comes to addiction, there are so many questions you might be asking yourself and be unsure of the answers to, that’s why we’ve put together a list of some of the most common addiction FAQs. Our list is currently sitting at 17, and if your question isn’t here,...
Where does casual drinking end and alcoholism begin?

Where does casual drinking end and alcoholism begin?

“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Casual Drinking Versus Alcoholism. We live in a society where the use of alcohol is a cultural norm, and it begs the question: what’s...