Dec 9, 2023 | Drug Addiction
Families of addicts and alcoholics suffer tremendously as a result of their loved one’s addiction. Addiction is often called a family disease because everyone in the family plays a role in, and is affected by, the addiction. Any family can be affected whether you’re a... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
What are psychedelics and how common are they in SA? Psychedelics, which are also called hallucinogens, are a group of drugs that “alter a person’s awareness of their surroundings as well as their own thoughts and feelings”, according to the National Institute on Drug... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
It is an accepted fact that long-term addiction treatment dramatically increases the likelihood of achieving lasting recovery in those with severe substance dependencies. However, there are many factors that can influence whether or not you ultimately choose this... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
More people are unwilling than willing to admit themselves to a rehab facility, despite the fact that their addiction has spiralled out of control and they are in serious need of professional help. The good news is that addiction treatment resistance has little... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
Addiction is incredibly complex and should be treated as a brain disease, but many people are curious about how long the recovery process actually takes. It might be frustrating to know that there is no simple answer to this question and the way people recover from... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
In This Article: Going to rehab again does not mean that a person will never be able to achieve long-term recovery from substance abuse. In fact, many people require multiple stays in treatment in order to fully overcome their addiction. “Many of life’s... 
Dec 8, 2023 | Drug Addiction
It is no secret that it is a tough battle to break an addiction to drugs or alcohol, but the real reasons behind this difficulty are not well understood by most people. These include physical changes to the brain, having to learn an overwhelming amount of new life... 
Dec 7, 2023 | Press Releases
Have you recently quit drinking or using? Here are 10 powerful tips to stay sober during the trigger-heavy silly season. December and the festive season can be a particularly dangerous time for people in recovery – especially if you are newly clean and sober. Stressed... 
Nov 9, 2023 | Drug Addiction
Yes, Discovery covers 21 days of inpatient drug and alcohol rehab and 3 days of detox per year. The year runs from January to January. Discovery has a vested interest in keeping its medical aid members healthy. Addiction is an overwhelming struggle for both the... 
Nov 6, 2023 | Rehab Works, 12 Step Rehab, Addiction Treatment
Substance Use Disorders Are a range of mental health conditions that can develop when people use drugs or alcohol in excess. They can have serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Include compulsive and obsessive behaviour, withdrawal symptoms, and... 
Oct 31, 2023 | Drug Addiction
Inpatient Addiction Rehab Treatment: Takes place in non-hospital, licensed rehabilitation centres. While approaches vary, rehabs offer detox services with 24-hour medical care in a recovery environment. Is intensive and is designed to treat serious substance use... Oct 19, 2023 | Drug Addiction
Are you or someone you know struggling with addiction? Medical Aid pays for Inpatient Addiction Treatment. Call now if you need help: 081-444-7000 Top 4 Things to Consider Inpatient Addiction Treatment Near Me 1) Find a licensed rehab with a full multidisciplinary...