Jun 6, 2022 | Rehab Works, Treatment
There are many addiction treatment centres advertising their services to the public and it can be difficult to sort good facilities from sub-par ones, which is why it’s important to understand what goes into running a quality rehab. When choosing a rehab, make... 
Jun 5, 2022 | Rehab Works, Treatment
Research shows that rehab staff at a treatment centre are pivotal to the successful treatment of the client. Staff members need to be both appropriately qualified and experienced. There should also be enough staff members: A high staff to patient ratio improves... 
Jun 2, 2022 | Rehab Works
When it comes to addiction treatment, inpatient versus outpatient rehab both have their pros and cons when it comes to treating addiction and alcoholism. Certain categories of client do better in inpatient and outpatient is more appropriate for others. This is blog... 
May 30, 2022 | Rehab Works
Addiction treatment works best when addicts or alcoholics successfully complete rehab treatment and don’t drop out before the process in finished. Client engagement has also been found to increase an addicted client’s chance of successful long-term sobriety. This is... 
May 28, 2022 | Rehab Works
Dealing with addiction is hard enough on its own, but it is even more difficult when you’re dealing with a co-occurring mental illness such as depression or bipolar disorder. The link between mental illness and addiction goes both ways. About 50% of people with a... 
May 27, 2022 | Rehab Works
An addict or alcoholic going to treatment is likely to be facing myriad issues, and many of these are issues other than addiction. These issues include medical, social, vocational and legal problems that are associated and contributory factors to their addiction or...